The uninstaller will download to your Downloads folder. If you do not uninstall and reinstall, your Mac will not receive the update and may be vulnerable to new viruses or attacks. You cannot use Update Now for this update you must uninstall and reinstall.

Mac users will need to uninstall Trend Micro from their computer and then reinstall Trend Micro to receive the update. If the agent version is 12.0.x, you have received the update. If the agent version is 11.0.x, it is not updated. Windows users can verify that they have received the update by right-clicking the Trend Micro icon in their taskbar, and then clicking Component Versions. With this update, Windows users will automatically have their Trend Micro antivirus software updated - and must restart their computers to complete the process. Trend Micro, K-State’s antivirus software, was updated Dec.